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OpenManulaptor-x pick and place Web Page code errors.

Section The maker launcher needs a roslaunch command. i.e tags ($ openmanipulatorarmarkers arpose.launch cameramodel:=raspicam usermarkersize:=3.0) It should be: $ roslaunch openmanipulatorarmarkers arpose.launch cameramodel:=realsensed435 usermarkersize:=3.0. However the rviz launcher seems to be had coded for a raspberry pi camera? Is there ant way to get this to work with the realsensed435. Please dont say use $ roslaunch openmanipulatorarmarkers arpose.launch cameramodel:=realsensed435 as this will not work, with the RVIZ launcher. This is your code not mine. Please help.

Asked by LloydFitchen on 2019-05-11 12:56:58 UTC


This sounds like something you should post on the issue tracker of the "OpenManipulator-x" repository so the maintainers of that (those) package(s) can help you.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-05-12 01:56:32 UTC

Yes this was like jumping up and down in the streets and yelling. Thanks for the advice frustration makes one loopy.

Asked by LloydFitchen on 2019-05-12 07:43:20 UTC
