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Building a stationary robot. ROS the right tool for me?

Hi there

I'm wondering if ROS is the right system for me. I'm currently involved in a project which consists of building a device that has the purpose to take spectroscopic measurements using a laser and a spectrometer, controlling servos and reading outputs of many different sensors.

The project involves

The devices are either ethernet connected or send out voltage/current signals. All devices can be communicated to using Python and libraries.

The software will run on a single Linux PC.

From what I gather then ROS should be great for this. F.x. by creating python scripts for each device, which connect to a "mother" script through the publisher/subscriber method.

But before I dive into coding this, it would be great to get someone's opinion on in ROS is the right system for this?

Kind regards Frimann Kjerulf

Asked by Frimann on 2019-04-29 04:56:04 UTC



So this is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but:

Building a stationary robot.


Bring the laser to the right spot using a proximity sensor and a servo

seem to be two conflicting statements :)

In all seriousness: I would say that the fact this is a robot on a stationary base is inconsequential. Anything that can be reasonably modelled as a collection of (largely) independent processes (ie: monitoring, control, etc) could benefit from using ROS (1 or 2).

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-04-29 05:19:53 UTC


Interesting point :) I´m guessing we´ll give ROS a try.

Asked by Frimann on 2019-04-29 11:14:51 UTC