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rosrun image_view image_view image:=/raspicam/image_raw gives a black screen

Hello, I'm trying to publish visual odometry from my rasberry pi camera to my PC, it is possible to stream a video. I have followed all the steps from this site ( but I'm stuck with the last code from step 2 (rosrun image_view image_view image:=/raspicam/image_raw) this line gives an error:

image_raw:31323): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 11:50:57.883: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

it also says that there is no data.

Can someone help me please

Asked by janwens on 2019-03-25 06:10:01 UTC


Can you see /raspicam/image_raw when you run rostopic list?

Asked by Lennart on 2020-05-05 06:44:45 UTC


Hey, I have issue as like you . have you had solved this question ?

Asked by schellong on 2019-07-30 05:23:22 UTC


Is this a comment or an answer?

Asked by Lennart on 2020-05-05 06:41:58 UTC