tf conflict in topics
I have a problem in my project about tf conflict. I want to fuse multi sensors to localize my robot more accurate 。So I use some existing rospackages like 'robotlocalization' 、'orbslam2ros' 、 'ethzaslicpmapping' 、'laserscanmatcher' . When I use camerasensor in orbslam2ros , it's tf need to input a topic name /cameralink (publish image) and /pointcloud (publish pointcloud) . But my camera topic already has a tf connected to baselink. So when I run 'orbslam2ros' , the tf between the cameralink and baselink gone ,but appear another tf between camera_ link and pointcloud. they are different two tf(have no connection at all). I kown tf should not have two parents.could someone tell me how to solve this problem in another way. I will be grateful.
Asked by new_bee007 on 2019-03-10 20:32:11 UTC
Generally, you only have to attach a camera's base_link
somewhere in your scene. It should have a unique name, so no two cameras or sensors share the same frame name. You can refer to this question on how to do this.
I don't know what you mean by "appear another tf between camera_link and pointcloud". I also don't understand which frames are connected and which are not. Please do not mix up the terms "tf", "transforms", "frames" and "frame names" if you explain further.
Asked by fvd on 2019-03-13 03:15:34 UTC