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How to build a map from a recording with gmapping

I followed this tutorial with the rosbag provided in the tutorial.

Here is the map it produces: image description

It looks like it only mapped the first scan.

Here is the output from the gmapping node:

rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=base_scan

[ INFO] [1551524238.823445558, 124.693134426]: Laser is mounted upwards.
 -maxUrange 29.99 -maxUrange 29.99 -sigma     0.05 -kernelSize 1 -lstep 0.05 -lobsGain 3 -astep 0.05
 -srr 0.1 -srt 0.2 -str 0.1 -stt 0.2
 -linearUpdate 1 -angularUpdate 0.5 -resampleThreshold 0.5
 -xmin -100 -xmax 100 -ymin -100 -ymax 100 -delta 0.05 -particles 30
[ INFO] [1551524238.836756704, 124.703192634]: Initialization complete
update frame 0
update ld=0 ad=0
Laser Pose= -19.396 -8.33452 -1.67552
m_count 0
Registering First Scan
[ WARN] [1551524238.863916087, 124.733375778]: Detected jump back in time of 0.00925415s. Clearing TF buffer.
[ WARN] [1551524239.771986838, 125.640838491]: Detected jump back in time of 0.00961792s. Clearing TF buffer.

The warning from the last line repeats. What am I doing wrong here?

Is it possible to use gmapping with a rosbag that contains just the laser scan and no transform?

I use Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS kinetic 1.12.14.

Asked by marian42 on 2019-03-02 06:07:22 UTC


i have exactly the same issue with ubuntu16.04 and kinetic 1.12.14

Asked by ypu5 on 2019-04-20 00:00:32 UTC


Hello, are you still working on this? I found the answer of this question. It seems like the bag file in the tutorials is incomplete, and I found the complete file in a Github repo.

When I use this bag file, there is no error or warning, and the produced map is just like that picture in the tutorials.

Hope it can solve your problem, good luck!

Asked by ypu5 on 2019-04-20 14:43:50 UTC


Thank you! I was about to answer your comment that I didn't figure it out, but now I'll look into that bag file.

Asked by marian42 on 2019-04-21 09:29:55 UTC