Access dynamic_reconfigure levels from C++ code
Hello, I am playing with dynamic_reconfigure
and I was wandering how to properly get the level associated to a specific parameter.
Say my configuration is something like:
gen = ParameterGenerator()
gen.add("foo", int_t, 1, "Param 1", 0, 0, 10)
gen.add("bar", int_t, 2, "Param 2", 0, -10, 10)
Then, in my reconfigure callback, I would like to do something only if a specific parameter changed, eg:
void callback(pkg::ExampleConfig& conf, uint32_t level)
// if foo has been updated, do something terrible
if(level & 1)
My concern is that the level of foo
might be changed later, and therefore the code above is not quite robust since I manually wrote the 1
in the condition if(level & 1)
. I tried to inspect a little the code generated for the Config class, and the only solution I came up with is to manually build a dictionary { param_name : level } at startup, eg:
map<string,uint32_t> lvls;
int main()
auto p = pkg::ExampleConfig::__getParamDescriptions__();
for(const auto& param : p)
lvls[p->name] = p->level;
void callback(...)
// if foo has been updated, do something terrible
if(level &"foo"))
It seems better in my opinion, but I have to generate the dictionary and rely on the name of the parameter... So after this long explanation: does anyone know a better way to use get the levels declared in the Config file?
Thanks in advance!
Asked by ffusco on 2019-02-27 06:15:41 UTC