wstool init fails on ros_comm/rosbag_storage when building Melodic [closed]

asked 2019-02-11 18:16:43 -0500

ChrisL8 gravatar image

updated 2019-02-12 10:58:48 -0500

When I attempt to follow the instructions to build Melodic from source, the wstool init command fails every time with this error:

Exception caught during install: Error processing 'ros_comm/rosbag_storage' : [ros_comm/rosbag_storage] Checkout of version ros_comm-release-release-melodic-rosbag_storage-1.14.3-0 into /home/chrisl8/ros_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag_storage failed.
Error processing 'ros_comm/rosgraph' : [ros_comm/rosgraph] Checkout of version ros_comm-release-release-melodic-rosgraph-1.14.3-0 into /home/chrisl8/ros_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosgraph failed.

ERROR in config: Error processing 'ros_comm/rosbag_storage' : [ros_comm/rosbag_storage] Checkout of version ros_comm-release-release-melodic-rosbag_storage-1.14.3-0 into /home/chrisl8/ros_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag_storage failed.
Error processing 'ros_comm/rosgraph' : [ros_comm/rosgraph] Checkout of version ros_comm-release-release-melodic-rosgraph-1.14.3-0 into /home/chrisl8/ros_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosgraph failed.


As pointed out in the comments, this seems to be the same issue as

Running these lines AFTER rosinstall_generator but BEFORE wstool allowed me to finish the process:

sed -i 's/version: \(ros_comm-release-release-melodic-ros_comm\)-[0-9\.\-]\+/version: \1/g' melodic-desktop-full.rosinstall
sed -i 's/version: \(ros_comm-release-release-melodic-rosbag_storage\)-[0-9\.\-]\+/version: \1/g' melodic-desktop-full.rosinstall
sed -i 's/version: \(ros_comm-release-release-melodic-rosgraph\)-[0-9\.\-]\+/version: \1/g' melodic-desktop-full.rosinstall

That doesn't really solve the root cause, but at least I can build the source now.

A github issue has been opened against wstools:
Errors extracting tarballs from github (recent change?) #130

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by ChrisL8
close date 2020-07-30 16:45:22.238993


I believe you could be running into the same problem as the OP of #q314827.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-02-12 02:32:29 -0500 )edit

Yes @gvdhoorn That does seem to be the issue, and that gave me a clue about how to at least get past the issue, if not solve it.

ChrisL8 gravatar image ChrisL8  ( 2019-02-12 09:36:07 -0500 )edit

For new people to this topic, I have proposed this fix.

KenYN gravatar image KenYN  ( 2019-02-14 22:13:26 -0500 )edit

@KenYN could you please point to how to use your fix? Should I clone your fork and run

ToDelete gravatar image ToDelete  ( 2019-02-26 17:43:57 -0500 )edit

@RickOMello The quickest way is sudo pip install --upgrade for a global install or this for a local install.

KenYN gravatar image KenYN  ( 2019-02-27 18:48:41 -0500 )edit

@KenYN thank you!

ToDelete gravatar image ToDelete  ( 2019-02-28 08:29:29 -0500 )edit

Please note: using sudo pip install .. installs the replacement vcstools into /usr/local and IIRC that location will always be searched first when looking for vcstools scripts. This, combined with the fact that the /usr/local install will not be automatically upgraded can lead ..

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-02-28 08:36:13 -0500 )edit

.. to some interesting situations in the future, when the official vcstools sees new releases, but those are never actually used on machines that have /usr/local installs.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-02-28 08:36:46 -0500 )edit