How to get the position of robot or drone from position of AruCo markers?
Hello all I am using artrackalvar package, this package basically finds the position of marker and publishes it. What I want to do is to calculate the position of a robot or UAV from this marker position, and then apply some commands to make movements, but I dont know how to get the position of robot from position of Marker, if some can help me to give some formula or something, shall be thankful for that. I am using this package.aruco marker package
Asked by Ibrahim_aerospace on 2019-01-28 04:29:41 UTC
I never used the ar_track_alvar package, but you can do that with aruco_detect from the Fiducials package. It publishs a topic with the position of the camera in relation to the position of the Aruco's marker.
Asked by oiseau on 2019-01-28 05:30:21 UTC
@oiseau thanks for reply but the packaged you referred to me uses multiple markers, but I just want to use a single marker. to estimate the pose. Is it possible ?
Asked by Ibrahim_aerospace on 2019-02-13 01:22:23 UTC
Yes, you only need to launch aruco_detect (roslaunch aruco_detect aruco_detect.launch) that is contained inside the package and subscribe to /fiducial_transforms to get the position. I already use it with only one marker.
Asked by oiseau on 2019-02-13 10:44:45 UTC