Laserscan publishes points that are not present.

asked 2018-12-11 06:36:04 -0500

helliehelps gravatar image

When I launch a robot (nexus robot with omni wheels) with a laserscan and give the agent a high speed command, the laserscan publishes points at the position of the laserscanner itself, instead of other obstacles in de simulation world. The Hokuyo laser is used in the xacro file. When the speed is low (less than 10 m/s) there is no problem in the output of the laserscan. My CPU is less than 45%. Does someone know what I can do to tackle this data bug?

<robot name="nexus" xmlns:xacro="">

<xacro:include filename="/home/s2504111/catkin_ws/src/platoon_merging/urdf/materials.urdf.xacro"/> <xacro:include filename="/home/s2504111/catkin_ws/src/platoon_merging/urdf/base_multiple.xacro"/> <xacro:include filename="/home/s2504111/catkin_ws/src/platoon_merging/urdf/hokuyo_utm30lx.urdf.xacro"/>

<xacro:arg name="prefix" default=""/>

<link name="$(arg prefix)base_footprint"> </link>

<nexus_body parent="$(arg prefix)base_footprint" rn="$(arg prefix)"> <origin xyz="0 0 0.0" rpy="0 0 3.14159265359"/> </nexus_body>

<hokuyo_utm30lx_model parent="$(arg prefix)base_footprint" name="$(arg prefix)hokuyo" topic="/$(arg prefix)/hokuyo_points" hz="1" samples="360"> <origin xyz="0 0 0.4" rpy="0 0 0"/> </hokuyo_utm30lx_model>


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