Using Forward Looking and Mechanically Scanned Imaging Sonar for mapping and localization underwater ?

asked 2018-12-06 07:25:27 -0500

Lucas Marins gravatar image

updated 2018-12-06 12:26:10 -0500

Hello everyone,

I would like to use a Foward Looking and Mechanically Scanned Imaging Sonar for mapping and localization using particle filter, but I could not find any success application using ROS and this technique to achieve it. I have access to the stereo camera image, but the lighting conditions underwater are unfavorable and because of that the use of Sonar is essential for mapping and localization (particle filter) of the robot.

I can use Point Cloud data to provide input data to my particle filter. Is it possible to transform Sonar data/image in Point Cloud? If it is not. How can I process the Sonar image for mapping and localization?



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