robot doesn't stop when it reach to a goal
my robot (diffdrive) is navigate quite well but when it reach to the goal it doesn't stop and keep turning. I set xytolerance and yawtolerance to high values but there is no change. the odometry is good and the rate of the all nodes are fine. I am using RTABmap and encoders (not a visual odometry), movebase and depthimagetolaserscen pkg. also, I am not use AMCL for localization. Its velocity is slow for precision. Do you have an idea for solving this problem? Thanks
Asked by Aviad on 2018-11-12 08:43:51 UTC
Did you solve this issue? Please mention the solution to this problem! Having the same issue. Thanks
Asked by pk99 on 2021-04-28 07:52:22 UTC