Package that contains packageConfig.cmake only
We have a whole bunch of packages with CMakeLists.txt
that share code like
set(project_cxx_flags -Wall)
set(project_cuda_flags -gencode arch=compute_61,code=compute61 -gencode ..62 -gencode ..52)
Along with other code for doing stuff on either x64 or arm64 (we also should only build CUDA 6.2 on ARM, 5.2 on x64, etc) that really should be made common.
Reading the documentation for find_package()
it seems it should be possible to create a new package inside our main project and then use:
To load up common_stuffConfig.cmake
NOTE: I know I could use CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
but I would have to reconfigure a good number of machines, so I want a solution that uses the existing code tree.
My current directory structure looks like
+--various files...
+--various files...
+--CmakeLists.txt (empty file)
So, currently I do this:
find_package(common_stuff REQUIRED MODULE)
# or
find_package(common_stuff REQUIRED)
This fails with the error:
No "Findcommon_stuff_build.cmake" found in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.
Asked by KenYN on 2018-11-01 21:47:12 UTC