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Ros server client communication using rosbridge

Hello, I am trying to do communication between client and server using rosbridge

server: I am sending normal string here.

 from __future__ import print_function

 import roslibpy

 from std_msgs.msg import String

 ros1 = roslibpy.Ros(host='localhost', port=9090)


 prime = 'Hello'

 msg = roslibpy.Message(values = {"prime_no":prime})

 topic1 = roslibpy.Topic(ros1, 'prime1', String, queue_size=1)





For client:

 from __future__ import print_function

 import roslibpy

 import json

 from std_msgs.msg import String

 def callback(data):

        print (

 ros = roslibpy.Ros(host='localhost', port=9090)


 topic1 = roslibpy.Topic(ros, 'prime1', String, queue_size=1)



I am getting error as- "No handlers could be found for logger "roslibpy"" for both client and server. On rosbridge as - [ERROR] [1540049844.335207]: [Client 0] [id: publish:prime1:2] publish: Cannot infer topic type for topic prime1 as it is not yet advertised.

How to resolve this?

Asked by Anuja_Rane on 2018-10-20 11:11:33 UTC


Just a note: in publish-subscribe there are no clients nor servers. There are only peers or participants.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2018-10-21 05:54:05 UTC



I am a newbie in ROS too. Currently, i am doing a project where laptop as master, raspberry and arduino on mobile robot as sleeves.

For your information, i do not use rosbridge for them to communicate in a localhost environment, what I did is as this tutorial. I believe it is easier than rosbridge. That's why I provide this suggestion.

It enables you to publish and subscribe topic among machines that setup in localhost env. So far, it i working fine for me. Below shows the steps required to set this up. Hopefully, it is useful for you.


1) After connected to localhost,at master, export ROS_MASTER_URI with master's ifconfig address along with 11311 port.

2) roscore

3) may start some nodes at master (Optional)

4) SSH to slave, export ROS_MASTER_URI with master's ifconfig address along with 11311 port (After the slave connected to the localhost).

5) export ROS_HOSTNAME Slave's IP addr

6) export ROS_IP Slave's IP addr Slave's IP addr will be used for both ROS_HOSTNAME and ROS_IP

7) SSH to slave and you may start some nodes at slave by using rosrun or roslaunch


All nodes connected to the Master may access all the data. By using ssh from workspace (Ex. ssh, we may control other machines such as initialize nodes.

I apologize if my explanation is very complicated. feel free to seek for help ;)

Asked by KinWah on 2018-10-20 22:06:06 UTC
