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How to control multiple joint controllers at the same time?

There are 8 joint controllers for my robot model, 4 of them belong to type effort_controllers/JointPositionController , and the rest of them belong to effort_controllers/JointVelocityController. Is there any method to adjust all the controllers that control the joints at the same time? It is better to have a graphic interface. Any opinion will be appreciated.

Asked by anonymous38087 on 2018-10-18 06:25:22 UTC



Assuming you have already set up the controllers through configuration yaml files and modified the urdf to add transmission interfaces then you can use rqt_gui to send commands to each controller.

Once you launch the robot with it's controllers then you can open the rqt gui with a new terminal using

rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui

From here, there is a drop-down box to select the topic you would like to publish on, it should be something like effort_controllers/JointPositionController/command. Use the plus to add it to the list, modify the rate and expression you would like to publish and repeat for every controller.

Asked by rmmilner on 2020-11-18 17:47:48 UTC
