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Can't find package spawn_robot_tools_pkg

I'm following this tutorial on Wam-V RobotX challenge with ros-openai using ROS kinetic on ubuntu 16.

I installed packages openairos wamvdescription robotxgazebo and the packages within openaiexamples_projects.

I can launch the simulator: roslaunch robotx_gazebo sandisland.launch (although the ocean model and sandisland are missing)

If I however test the training script: roslaunch turtle2openairosexample starttraining_maze.launch

It can't find spawnrobottools_pkg. I can't find this package in the apt list nor on ROS in general. How do I install this package?

A similar problem occured with the gym_construct package on the turtlebot2 tutorial.

Asked by kkelchte on 2018-10-17 09:16:19 UTC



Ok, please ignore this stupid question. The necessary robot packages can be found here: Scrolling through the 3 pages made me found the gym_construct and spawn_robot_tools_pkg.

A link in the tutorial to these locations would be nice though.

Asked by kkelchte on 2018-10-17 09:18:54 UTC


Good suggestion about the tutorial. Let us work on that

Asked by R. Tellez on 2018-10-24 00:24:48 UTC

Had the same issue. The tutorial should be updated to reflect that you need to download the package gym_construct and a link. Without this package the tutorial is incomplete and impossible to follow because you fail at the very first step running $ roslaunch gym_construct main.launch.

Asked by tropic on 2019-01-10 14:03:38 UTC

And maybe also add that people should run rosdep install for all the packages, else they might end up with many other errors for missing dependencies when launching.

Asked by tropic on 2019-01-10 14:27:54 UTC

It also fails at launching with the following error [rospack] Error: package 'hukoyo' not found due to a change in the kobuki_description urdf: model://hokuyo/... to package://hokuyo/.... I do not know if it is suppose to be fixed in the kinetic branch where package://gazebo_plugins is used?

Asked by tropic on 2019-01-10 15:12:20 UTC

Here is a direct link to the repository @kkelchte was talking about: link text Took me a while to find it so I thought I would save the next person some trouble.

Asked by kboyd on 2019-11-16 16:16:11 UTC