Setpoint VS RC Override : which is better solution for quadcopter positioning with opencv?
Hey all. I want to ask some question before I'm dead exhausting...
I've seen several pages like or
What I want to do is drone to fly following some colored circles with OpenCV, in approximately 1m high.
First I tried setpoint topics, but after some research, I've noticed that there're some topics called 'RC Override'.
So, what I'm going to say, is...which is better solution for drone positioning with computer vision? setpoint topic? OR RC Override??
Once again, what I'm going to do is
PX4 QUAD VISION POSITIONING with companion com and opencv, and following some circles(red green blue colored) in line(like this : O O O O O O, but with different colors each.).
Any of your reply will help(or LITERALLY SAVE) me. Have a good time!
ROS : Kinetic with mavros, mavros-extras PX4 : latest, stable build OpenCV : 3.3.1(default with ros)
Asked by Minos on 2018-10-06 03:26:33 UTC
Navigating the drone with setpoint topics is recommended. I was in a similar dilemma last year and learnt it the hard way. My experimentation Feel free to clone / fork for your use.
Asked by vijayaganesh on 2018-10-07 13:49:56 UTC
Thank you. I'll try it. But here's my question : why setpoint is recommended? I think it'll be faster & easy-accessible with fake RC signal. Also, what if setpoint is unstable? ROS topics say some weird local z value when first started, like -1.18 something or 6.12 differs all the time
Asked by Minos on 2018-10-08 06:25:49 UTC
Just some expectation management: I'm not sure the intersection between ROS Answers readers and those heavily into MAVROS is very big, so it may take some time before you get a response.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2018-10-06 03:36:51 UTC
Navigating the drone with setpoint topics is recommended. I was in a similar dilemma last year and learnt it the hard way. My experimentation Feel free to clone / fork for your use.
Asked by vijayaganesh on 2018-10-07 13:58:24 UTC