Unexpected influence of moving objects on costmap
I'm using the rangesensorlayer as a plugin to costmap_2d in order to create a costmap from two ultrasound sensors.
The basic setup works as expected. The sensors make range measurements and those get represented in the costmap as expected. However, when an object moves towards the ultrasound sensors, the updated costmap looks odd to me.
Before the object starts to move towards the robot, you can clearly see the object results in a "wall" in the costmap. Now, when the object moves towards the sensors i would expect the "wall" moving in the costmap, too. However, the "wall" stays where it was and instead little spikes arise from the "wall" towards the robot, where each spike points towards one of the ultrasound sensors.
My yaml for costmap2d looks like this:
footprint: [[-0.325, -0.325], [-0.325, 0.325], [0.325, 0.325], [0.46, 0.0], [0.325, -0.325]]
rolling_window: true
static_map: false
- {name: sonar, type: "range_sensor_layer::RangeSensorLayer"}
topics: ["/ultrasound_front_left", "/ultrasound_front_right"]
clear_on_max_reading: true
Is this the expected behavior? Can it be configured that the entire "wall" moves in the costmap?
Asked by Philip W on 2018-09-20 03:02:57 UTC
A cell will be marked as occupied as long as it is not rewritten as free later on. Seems to me that your sensor is statically pointed, or focused in one direction.
Asked by opo on 2018-11-14 10:57:17 UTC
I've just given you sufficient karma to do that, so please attach the screenshot.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2018-09-20 04:37:04 UTC
I'm not an expert, but sonars are directional sensors. If you only have two, how would you expect the costmap plugin to "know" that "the wall" is actually one object, instead of a set of separate ..
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2018-09-20 04:38:24 UTC
.. measurements?
Guessing here, but there just aren't enough measurements to fully represent the object.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2018-09-20 04:39:21 UTC