control a UR5 robot arm with Leapmotion or kinect in real time in ROS
Hi all,
I am planning to control a UR5 robot arm with Leap Motion or Kinect non-contact sensors in real time in ROS. I am an absolute beginner. May I please ask how to do that in ROS? Now, I am able be control the UR5 arm very well in Rviz and Gazebo by doing motion planning with Move it. (by following this tutorial, what I wanna do is real time teleoperation not first plan the trajectory then execute. Can you please tell me how I can do real time control of UR5 arm in ROS?
secondly, I've noticed in Rivz you can simply drag the tool centre point of UR5 to do the motion planning before execute. Can I only control the tool centre point in the teleoperation to control the whole arm? Coz I only care about the trajectory of the tool centre point. Or I am going have to do mapping for all the joints of the robot to control in real time?
Thanks a lot.
Asked by stevensu1838 on 2018-08-21 17:01:06 UTC
Hello, I would like to know how you manage to do this. Did you succeed. I would like to do the same thing with an abb robot.
Asked by Lina on 2019-03-20 05:35:20 UTC
hey did u find how to control the ur5 using a kinect?
Asked by vk on 2019-07-12 05:22:52 UTC