Is pylon_camera has any parameter to resize captured image?
As title, I using Basler GigE camera, but seems this camera not support binning option which is the only size tuning parameter...
(update) My Basler GigE camera is acA2040-35gc. I had ask Basler engineer, they told me this camera module is global shuttle, hence not supporting binning. That's why I looking for other way to resize image by pylon_camera.
Asked by zhanD300 on 2018-08-02 00:31:31 UTC
The pylon_camera does support binning, you can set the binning_x and binning_y parameters in the config file: pylon_camera/config/default.yaml
Asked by NEngelhard on 2018-08-02 01:40:31 UTC
This depends on the model. Please do not give wrong information. Even if you set the binning there, you get an error saying binning is not supported.
Asked by Jägermeister on 2019-03-05 11:27:34 UTC
thanks the reply, my question is that my Basler GigE camera not support binning. Do I have other parameter in pylon_camera can achieves image resizing?
Asked by zhanD300 on 2018-08-02 20:04:50 UTC
Please update your question (especially with the model of your camera) as this is no answer to your question. There is no other way in the package to resize the image.
Asked by NEngelhard on 2018-08-03 02:59:59 UTC