Move_group.launch Error
Hey guys,
I am trying to move my robot arm with XBOX controller and for that first I am launching the demo.launch file followed by movegroup.launch file and then the joystickcontrol.launch file.
In both the movegroup.launch file and the joystickcontrol.launch files, I am getting an error. In the demo.launch I am getting warnings as follows:
[ WARN] [1525355941.049859437]: Interactive marker 'EE:goal_ee_link' contains unnormalized quaternions. This warning will only be output once but may be true for others; enable DEBUG messages for ros.rviz.quaternions to see more details.
[ WARN] [1525355962.844137594]: Shutdown request received.
[ WARN] [1525355962.844183740]: Reason given for shutdown: [new node registered with same name]
[move_group-4] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/kashyap/.ros/log/1c6972f4-4eda-11e8-bdd3-e82a44e7a573/move_group-4*.log
[ WARN] [1525355984.696784203]: goalConnectCallback: Trying to add [/move_group] to goalSubscribers, but it is already in the goalSubscribers list
[ WARN] [1525355984.696889365]: cancelConnectCallback: Trying to add [/move_group] to cancelSubscribers, but it is already in the cancelSubscribers list
[ WARN] [1525355984.696956868]: goalConnectCallback: Trying to add [/move_group] to goalSubscribers, but it is already in the goalSubscribers list
[ WARN] [1525355984.697012117]: cancelConnectCallback: Trying to add [/move_group] to cancelSubscribers, but it is already in the cancelSubscribers list
[ WARN] [1525355984.697097885]: goalConnectCallback: Trying to add [/move_group] to goalSubscribers, but it is already in the goalSubscribers list
[ WARN] [1525355984.697155851]: cancelConnectCallback: Trying to add [/move_group] to cancelSubscribers, but it is already in the cancelSubscribers list
[ WARN] [1525355984.697205708]: goalConnectCallback: Trying to add [/move_group] to goalSubscribers, but it is already in the goalSubscribers list
[ WARN] [1525355984.697254351]: cancelConnectCallback: Trying to add [/move_group] to cancelSubscribers, but it is already in the cancelSubscribers list
The error in move_group.launch is as follows:
[ WARN] [1525355972.391054987]: Waiting for arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory to come up
[ WARN] [1525355972.391054987]: Waiting for arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory to come up
[ERROR] [1525355984.391501483]: Action client not connected: arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory
and the error in the joystick_control.launch file is in the following link below
Can anyone guide me as to where am I committing the mistake?
Thanks in advance!
Asked by Kashyap.m94 on 2018-05-03 09:19:31 UTC