individual elements of stereo_msgs DisparityImage

asked 2018-02-27 10:13:17 -0500

2ROS0 gravatar image

updated 2018-02-27 15:16:50 -0500


I am trying to print out the individual elements of a stereo_msgs DisparityImage message for some debugging. I am not sure how the data is stored in the main array? And regardless of how they are stored, is the data the disparity value for each pixel (in pixel coordinates)?

I don't want to have to convert to cv Mat to do simple debugging tasks. But when I did in any case by using cv_bridge, the elements show some values up to the power of 12 which is not reasonable. My focal length is in the order of 100s of pixels (again I am not sure what focal length in pixels is). The baseline in the same message seem to be correct. Moreover, the data is visualized reasonably, if I divide each value by the max. disparity and then scale it to 0-255. So what are the values of the individual elements?

Thank you.

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