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Problem when run kinect2_bridge

I followed the tutorials on to install kinect v2 on ROS Kinetic. I built my workspace as a catkin workspace and installed libfreenect2 package. When I run kinect2_bridge :

roslaunch kinect2bridge kinect2bridge.launch

The kinect is not working and the result is

... logging to /home/tungngo/.ros/log/35f28456-0ced-11e8-a81d-acd1b8d7ea2f/roslaunch-tungngo-Inspiron-3543-8169.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://tungngo-Inspiron-3543:36261/


 * /kinect2_bridge/base_name: kinect2
 * /kinect2_bridge/base_name_tf: kinect2
 * /kinect2_bridge/bilateral_filter: True
 * /kinect2_bridge/calib_path: /home/tungngo/cat...
 * /kinect2_bridge/depth_device: -1
 * /kinect2_bridge/depth_method: default
 * /kinect2_bridge/edge_aware_filter: True
 * /kinect2_bridge/fps_limit: -1.0
 * /kinect2_bridge/jpeg_quality: 90
 * /kinect2_bridge/max_depth: 12.0
 * /kinect2_bridge/min_depth: 0.1
 * /kinect2_bridge/png_level: 1
 * /kinect2_bridge/publish_tf: False
 * /kinect2_bridge/queue_size: 5
 * /kinect2_bridge/reg_device: -1
 * /kinect2_bridge/reg_method: default
 * /kinect2_bridge/sensor: 
 * /kinect2_bridge/use_png: False
 * /kinect2_bridge/worker_threads: 4
 * /kinect2_points_xyzrgb_hd/queue_size: 5
 * /kinect2_points_xyzrgb_qhd/queue_size: 5
 * /kinect2_points_xyzrgb_sd/queue_size: 5
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.12

    kinect2 (nodelet/nodelet)
    kinect2_bridge (nodelet/nodelet)
    kinect2_points_xyzrgb_hd (nodelet/nodelet)
    kinect2_points_xyzrgb_qhd (nodelet/nodelet)
    kinect2_points_xyzrgb_sd (nodelet/nodelet)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [8179]

setting /run_id to 35f28456-0ced-11e8-a81d-acd1b8d7ea2f
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [8192]
started core service [/rosout]
process[kinect2-2]: started with pid [8207]
process[kinect2_bridge-3]: started with pid [8210]
process[kinect2_points_xyzrgb_sd-4]: started with pid [8211]
[ INFO] [1518107359.256180707]: Loading nodelet /kinect2_bridge of type kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet to manager kinect2 with the following remappings:
process[kinect2_points_xyzrgb_qhd-5]: started with pid [8216]
[ INFO] [1518107359.262231270]: waitForService: Service [/kinect2/load_nodelet] has not been advertised, waiting...
process[kinect2_points_xyzrgb_hd-6]: started with pid [8231]
[ INFO] [1518107359.296619995]: Initializing nodelet with 4 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1518107359.305626921]: waitForService: Service [/kinect2/load_nodelet] is now available.
[ERROR] [1518107359.371228646]: Failed to load nodelet [/kinect2_bridge] of type [kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet] even after refreshing the cache: Could not find library corresponding to plugin kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1518107359.371278117]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Could not find library corresponding to plugin kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[FATAL] [1518107359.371427326]: Failed to load nodelet '/kinect2_bridge` of type `kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet` to manager `kinect2'
[kinect2_bridge-3] process has died [pid 8210, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/nodelet/nodelet load kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet kinect2 __name:=kinect2_bridge __log:=/home/tungngo/.ros/log/35f28456-0ced-11e8-a81d-acd1b8d7ea2f/kinect2_bridge-3.log].
log file: /home/tungngo/.ros/log/35f28456-0ced-11e8-a81d-acd1b8d7ea2f/kinect2_bridge-3*.log
[kinect2_bridge-3] restarting process
process[kinect2_bridge-3]: started with pid [8351]
[ INFO] [1518107359.640925377]: Loading nodelet /kinect2_bridge of type kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet to manager kinect2 with the following remappings:
[ERROR] [1518107359.679111603]: Failed to load nodelet [/kinect2_bridge] of type [kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet] even after refreshing the cache: Could not find library corresponding to plugin kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1518107359.679162401]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Could not find library corresponding to plugin kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[FATAL] [1518107359.679438953]: Failed to load nodelet '/kinect2_bridge` of type `kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet` to manager `kinect2'
[kinect2_bridge-3] process has died [pid 8351, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/nodelet/nodelet load kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet kinect2 __name:=kinect2_bridge __log:=/home/tungngo/.ros/log/35f28456-0ced-11e8-a81d-acd1b8d7ea2f/kinect2_bridge-3.log].
log file: /home/tungngo/.ros/log/35f28456-0ced-11e8-a81d-acd1b8d7ea2f/kinect2_bridge-3*.log
[kinect2_bridge-3] restarting process
process[kinect2_bridge-3]: started with pid [8368]
^C[ INFO] [1518107359.953869848]: Loading nodelet /kinect2_bridge of type kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet to manager kinect2 with the following remappings:
[ERROR] [1518107359.987860774]: Failed to load nodelet [/kinect2_bridge] of type [kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet] even after refreshing the cache: Could not find library corresponding to plugin kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1518107359.987908766]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Could not find library corresponding to plugin kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[FATAL] [1518107359.988064589]: Failed to load nodelet '/kinect2_bridge` of type `kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge_nodelet` to manager `kinect2'

How can I fix it?

Asked by tungngo on 2018-02-08 11:36:06 UTC


Please edit your question provide information on what you installed, and how you built your workspace.

Asked by tfoote on 2018-02-08 18:51:18 UTC

Done. Is there any solutions or tutorials can help me?

Asked by tungngo on 2018-02-08 21:14:25 UTC
