2D navigation on copter

asked 2018-01-31 10:48:25 -0500

Hi all. I would try to be as clear as possible: I would like to implement the Navigation Stack (which i widely used on turtlebot3) of ROS or, in alternative, the Hector package on a hexacopter that i built myself.

Important parts of the copter are:

  • odoird xu4q (connection in ssh-wifi from ground control base)
  • Pixhawk Flight Controller with standard PX4 firmware
  • Qgroundcontrol latest version

I'm currently able to:

  • switch to OFFBOARD mode both using mavros service and from radio controller (mapping a channel for )
  • stable flight with the radio controller, so no hardware problem
  • arming/disarming from the odroid

Next step would be the implementation of the navigation stack. But I'm missing some point:

  • how to obtain localization? (my idea is to install a cheap lidar just to start, the lsd of the turtlebot 3 for example)

  • how to properly setup (tf tree, publish, subscribe and so on ) everything in mavros ?

I'm a little bit confused especially on the last part, so any help or suggestion is really appreciated !

Ps. I also have the px4flow that would be useful for position control without gps (which of course I'm not intending to use!)

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You have two separate questions here. You'll probably get better results by asking two questions instead of forcing them into one.

jayess gravatar image jayess  ( 2018-01-31 14:21:55 -0500 )edit