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Generate Heightmap for unity from Lidar point data Ask Question

0 down vote favorite I have Lidar data downloaded from udacity self driving car open sourced data. The data is in a ROS bag file under node /velodynepackets format that I converted to Velodynepoint using velodynepointcloud package. This velodynepoint bag then I converted to .csv format to get it into .las but I cant find any tools to do it. The csv file is over 22 GB and cant be opened in veloveiw ,excel, matlab or ArcGis.

I have to create a heightmap using ArcGis to create a terrain in unity from the same lidar data. The tutorial that I was following had the dataset in .las format , that I dont know how to get from this dataset.

Can somebody suggest how I do go ahead with it.

Asked by Rohan-D on 2018-01-15 11:53:07 UTC


Welcome! What tutorial are you following?

Asked by jayess on 2018-01-15 14:24:01 UTC

Asked by Rohan-D on 2018-01-16 00:26:24 UTC
