imu with gyroscope and accelerometer sensors [closed]

asked 2018-01-09 02:41:31 -0500

alivdel gravatar image

hello all,

i have a imu with two sensors. To calculate roll and pitch angles i have used madgwick filter. imu gives me the roll and pitch angle correct if one of them is null. that means if i rotate imu over both axis x and y at the same time it seems the values are not correct. for example i rotate my imu 45 degree over x axis (roll is 45 degree), then i want to rotate imu over y axis (pitch), at this moment changing the pitch value will Change the roll value as well and it is not 45 degree any more. can anybody tell me what is the Problem? i need the values of roll and pitch related to original Basis axis at anytime.

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Closed for the following reason question is off-topic or not relevant. Please see for more details. by jayess
close date 2018-01-09 08:26:20.719847


Welcome! Although this is a robotics question it isn't a ROS-related question. With over 37,000 questions we try to keep them ROS-related. You should try asking your question on instead.

jayess gravatar image jayess  ( 2018-01-09 08:26:13 -0500 )edit