Dynamixel Motors Jerky motion when running using IK
I am using Dynamixel actuators to form a 6-Axis Manipulator arm. The motion is smooth when it is running all my joints are operated individually and during all joint motion.
But when I am trying to move my Manipulator Arm in Cartesion Mode using IK by giving X,Y,Z velocities it is giving jerky motions. What could be the reason for this and how can I make the motion smoother in Cartesion Mode.
Can anyone help me making the system smoother.
Asked by Radeshwar on 2018-01-02 23:30:21 UTC
Hello :)
ROBOTIS provides official opensource repository as ROBOTIS-GIT?
In this repository, you can find Dynamixel-Workbench to control all series of DYNAMIXELS. Because it is official package for DYNAMIXEL, you can get a proper solution when you faced some problems.
Furthermore, they provides OpenManipulator package for manipulation. You can get a information when you use MoveIt! with DYNAMIXELS.
This is WIKI page for DYNAMIXEL and introduced packages.
WIKI for Dynamixel-Workbench
WIKI for OpenManipulator
Enjoy with it!
Asked by Darby Lim on 2018-02-22 01:03:41 UTC
I believe that this should be a comment instead of an answer as this doesn't answer the question. Instead, it just points to a wiki and GitHub repo.
Asked by jayess on 2018-02-22 01:34:05 UTC