issue with ApproximateTime
I am using a system that requires and rgb image, depth image, and camera info . Its does this by using the following:
typedef ApproximateTime<sensor_msgs::Image, sensor_msgs::Image, sensor_msgs::CameraInfo> SyncPolicy;
My problem is that the bag file I am using does not publish camera info messages. So I tried to publish it independently. But but system never invokes , I set the header to which set the vars to zero. How I can I get the system to invoke the callback in a situation like this.
The system I am using is: depthimageproc/pointcloudxyzrgb The node does allow for :
but seem to have not effect: there is a possibility that there is an issue with the time stamps in the bag file. But I have not looked at that yet.
Asked by rnunziata on 2017-12-10 22:54:27 UTC
You should really check what is your bag file by running rosbag info [file name.bag]
first. Also, why doesn't your .bag file include messages sent over the topics you are using, did you not include it in rosbag record -o [file_name.bag] [topic_names]
Asked by qilin_gundamenjoyer on 2022-06-09 13:27:40 UTC