descartes no joint solution

asked 2017-12-09 04:43:06 -0500

Vera93 gravatar image

updated 2017-12-09 07:00:53 -0500

Hello, I am having some trouble getting descartes getting to work. I am using it with the UR3 robot and the ur_modern_driver on ubuntu 14.04 with ROS indigo on a virtual machine. When i try the example code from there tutorial i get these errors:

[ INFO] [1512815020.781999322]: Found 6 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ INFO] [1512815021.033795287]: Found 9 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ INFO] [1512815021.460827279]: Found 10 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ INFO] [1512815025.308589757]: Found 7 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ERROR] [1512815035.489142101]: Found 0 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ INFO] [1512815036.831964899]: Found 8 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ INFO] [1512815037.513392675]: Found 7 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ERROR] [1512815040.047041743]: Found 0 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ERROR] [1512815049.712531839]: Found 0 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ERROR] [1512815053.290830249]: Found 0 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ERROR] [1512815061.936781217]: Found 0 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ERROR] [1512815062.954365096]: Found 0 joint solutions out of 10 iterations [ WARN] [1512815062.955791093]: Failed for find ANY joint poses, returning

The program does find some solution but then it fails. I did change the sequence points in the code between 0 and 1 as it seemed that when it was above 1 it couldn't find any solutions. Also we found out that it fails when the planner tries to plan the path. I looked my error at the internet but couldn't find a solution from it. does anyone have an idea where it goes wrong or how to fix this? TIA

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Have you verified that all of your path poses are reachable?

jrgnicho gravatar image jrgnicho  ( 2018-02-12 14:45:02 -0500 )edit