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crash when using .png heightmap and Velodyne 3D LIDARs

I'm testing Velodyne high definition 3D LIDARs in gazebo:

roslaunch velodyne_gazebo example.launch

It will load a 16 laser model. And I have already prepared a heightmap following this tutorial . After inserting the heightmap(65x65 (pixels), 10mx10m, a larger map also results in crash ) I made, gazebo will not responde. Sim time and real time will stop.

And in rviz, ROS time will stop, but wall time still goes.

Run roswtf, 3 warnings were found:

WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected:
 * /gazebo:
   * /gazebo/set_model_state
   * /gazebo/set_link_state

WARNING These nodes have died:
 * spawn_model-4

WARNING No tf messages

Sometimes the real time foctor will be around 0.3 when I use 1 beam LiDAR in a .png heightmap.
I think the reason gazebo will crash is that my laptopā€˜s hardware performance is not good enough.

Are there any ways to optimize the program to continue the simulation with my laptop? or should I use another computer?? Or maybe there is another reason for the crash.

update: I tried using my PC, there is still the same problem.

Thanks in advance.

Asked by JohnBT on 2017-12-06 20:20:05 UTC

