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openni build failure

hi working on a mac here and the error occurred on my terminal

failed to execute: make -j4 -C /Users/JPierre/Kinect/OpenNI/Platform/Linux/CreateRedist/../Build > /Users/JPierre/Kinect/OpenNI/Platform/Linux/CreateRedist/Output/BuildOpenNI.txt Building Failed!

any suggestions?

**This is the step I was on Change the working directory to OpenNI/Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist and run RedistMaker.

sudo ./RedistMaker"

Asked by revengeonrubiks on 2017-12-06 19:23:46 UTC


Which instruction you're referring to for building openni?

Asked by 130s on 2017-12-06 19:37:18 UTC

I'm using the instructions from the book Hacking Kinect which you can find right here

Asked by revengeonrubiks on 2017-12-06 20:23:34 UTC
