Can't control the robot in gazebo
I am not able to control the robot in gazebo.
trying to run:
roslaunch robotican_komodo komodo.launch gazebo:=true
rostopic pub /cmdvel geometrymsgs/Twist -r 10 -- '[0.2, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 0.6]'
The world and the robot model are loaded, and I can see that my command is successfully published to the cmd_vel topic.
When I select View->Wire-frame I can see that nothing is moving.
It’s happening on all robots that I’m trying to launch.
I'm running ROS Indigo on ubuntu14.04.01 trusty, gazebo 2.2.3.
What am I missing?
Asked by AssafZI on 2017-11-22 16:26:54 UTC
It may be that robot is listening on a different topic, perhaps /myrobot/cmd_vel. Try using
to see what nodes are connected to which topics, and make sure that you're publishing on the correct topic.Asked by clyde on 2017-11-23 13:48:11 UTC