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lz4 includes not found when Lunar was installing on Ubuntu 16.04

I try to install Lunar in Ubuntu 16.04. But got the following error. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

-- catkin 0.7.8
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:13 (message):
  lz4 includes not found

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/administrator/mine/ros_catkin_ws/build_isolated/roslz4/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/home/administrator/mine/ros_catkin_ws/build_isolated/roslz4/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
<== Failed to process package 'roslz4': 
  Command '['/home/administrator/mine/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/', 'cmake', '/home/administrator/mine/ros_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/roslz4', '-DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/home/administrator/mine/ros_catkin_ws/devel_isolated/roslz4', '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/administrator/mine/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated', '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release', '-G', 'Unix Makefiles']' returned non-zero exit status 1

Asked by SlowAnnealing on 2017-11-14 16:38:53 UTC


Welcome! As your question stands, it is not possible to help you without more information such as: how you are trying to install it (using apt or installing from source), what command led you to this output, and the full output of the command.

Asked by jayess on 2017-11-14 18:12:23 UTC
