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ar_track_alvar running too slow(~1hz)

I am using a logitech c920 to detect a marker. I am running pr2indivnokinect launch file of the artrackavlar ros package. But the thing is only running at 1hz. In the node file, it says there is a parameter called maxfrequency which is already set to 8.0 and I tried to set it to 30 but nothing changed. Anyone know how to get it to run faster?

Asked by eric_cartman on 2017-11-10 18:51:10 UTC


What hardware are you running this on? And what is the resolution of the camera images?

ar_track_alvar should run over 20 hz easily on most PC's these days.

Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2018-01-18 06:42:58 UTC


The answer here worked for me:

I.e adding <param name="max_frequency" type="double" value="10" /> to the node tag in the launch file allowed me to control the publication frequency of ar_track_alvar.

Asked by EugVal on 2019-09-27 11:55:24 UTC
