STL vs DAE format
Does RVIZ optimize the triangle primitives in the STL into trifans and tristrips? I am assuming that since DAE is a geometry based format that its mesh primitives include optimized fans and strips? So will there be a performance benefit using DAE over STL while rendering?
Asked by OpenR2 on 2017-11-04 20:30:25 UTC
I don't know the actual answer, but RViz delegates mesh loading to Assimp. Assimp works with 'hints', and depending on the hints set will perform various processing steps while loading meshes.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-11-05 04:10:01 UTC
I guess our goal is to put a full fidelity model into RVIZ and Gazebo. Are there contacts responsible for the loaders that we could get maybe get a definitive workflow for optimizing mesh imports?
Asked by OpenR2 on 2017-11-05 13:47:48 UTC
I'm not aware of any specific devs responsible for mesh loading in particular, but @William is the maintainer of RViz.
The mesh loading code is here.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-11-05 15:25:21 UTC
What is "high fidelity"? Any faces/vertex count you can give us? I've seen some pretty unoptimised geometry (ie: straight dump from SolidWorks, 60k+ vertices) being rendered at high FPS, but it depends on the hw.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-11-05 15:26:27 UTC