Librivz qt gui crashes with VTK

asked 2017-11-03 03:47:12 -0500

Luca gravatar image

Hello everyone!

I am displaying a trajectory in a rviz widget in my custom QT GUI. Basically, I followed the tutorial here with success. However, my GUI must show also some other stuff with the library VTK 8.0.1. Here comes the problem.

My rviz is version 1.11.18 and it is compiled with QT 4.8.6. However, the VTK library uses QT 5.5. When I try to use rviz and VTK in the same GUI at the same time, my GUI crashes when I run it (the building process goes without any problems).

Is it possible to remove and then re-install rviz and build it against QT 5? How could I do that? Additional info: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, ROS Indigo

Thanks in advance. Best,


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Is it possible to remove and then re-install rviz and build it against QT 5?

you can try to build RViz from source in a catkin ws against Qt5, but note that lots of other libraries and binaries in Indigo will be linked against the default version (ie: Qt4). You'll probably run into other ..

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2017-11-04 06:28:53 -0500 )edit

.. problems later.

Note also that ROS Kinetic defaults to Qt5, that might be a simpler route. See REP-3.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2017-11-04 06:30:13 -0500 )edit

Hi gvdhoorn, thanks for the hints. So, basically it will be a mess if I keep using Indigo. I will try to solve the problem; if I succeed, I will post an answer.

Luca gravatar image Luca  ( 2017-11-05 03:26:24 -0500 )edit