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Is there an implementation of this paper (on ROS)? "Inversion Based Direct Position Control and Trajectory Following for Micro Aerial Vehicles"

Hi!, I read this paper Inversion Based Direct Position Control and Trajectory Following for Micro Aerial Vehicles and despite of google it, I did not found any implemantation source. if someone have a link of haved it implemented ,will be appreciate.

Asked by CaptainAloeVera on 2017-10-31 19:36:08 UTC


I was able to find a PDF of the paper online, but it doesn't seem to have any links to source code or any reference to ROS.

Asked by ahendrix on 2017-10-31 22:48:53 UTC

This is a forum for questions about the Robot Operating System ( ); if your question isn't about ROS you should ask it on a different forum (maybe the robotics stack exchange?) or contact the authors directly.

Asked by ahendrix on 2017-10-31 22:49:27 UTC
