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Catkin Build Error Bebop_Autonomy

(note: found a similar questions but it was closed to due dupe question but i was unable to find a dupe....)

I have been following the guide for bebop_autonomy at:

I get this failure when I get to the step catkin build:

/opt/ros/indigo/include/tf2_geometry_msgs/tf2_geometry_msgs.h:322:6: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘geometry_msgs::Transform’ to ‘const Pose& {aka const geometry_msgs::Pose_<std::allocator<void> >&}’
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/bebop_driver_nodelet.dir/src/bebop_driver_nodelet.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/bebop_driver_nodelet.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
cd /home/parrots/bebop_ws/build/bebop_driver; catkin build --get-env bebop_driver | catkin env -si  /usr/bin/make --jobserver-fds=6,7 -j; cd -

Failed << bebop_driver:make [ Exited with code 2 ]
Failed <<< bebop_driver [ 17.3 seconds ]
Abandoned <<< bebop_tools [ Unrelated job failed ] 

I then recieve an error when trying to run

'roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_node.launch'

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [bebop_driver/bebop_driver_node]: can't locate node [bebop_driver_node] in 
package [bebop_drive]

I followed the instructions to a T on a freshly installed indigo ubuntu 14.04

I honestly have no idea where to start on this, first time building a ros package. also still pretty fresh on linux.

Any help would be appreciated

Asked by Cullen Dubbs on 2017-10-24 22:49:05 UTC


This is a build error that I believe is best reported on the AutonomyLab/bebop_autonomy/issues tracker.

If you post an issue there, please post a comment here with a link to your issue, so we can keep things connected.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-10-25 02:20:09 UTC

So I see there are similar issues to mine but i am not quite sure i understand. They say to use the sdk-3-12 branch but that didnt work. Others say just use 'catkin build' which is what i did in the first place and that doesnt work either.

Im a little lost still. any advice would be great!

Asked by Cullen Dubbs on 2017-10-29 15:17:00 UTC
