Which Version from Ubuntu and ROS for naoqi Pepper?
Hello, which version is the best for the connection and controlling with the naoqi robot pepper? I have some problems with Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS kinetic kame..
Asked by Henne on 2017-10-20 01:15:00 UTC
Have you already seen wiki/pepper? That links to ros-sig-aldebaran, which still has some traffic. I see some related questions there.
All pkg seem to have been released for Kinetic, so that would seem ..
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-10-20 02:41:14 UTC
.. that the authors/maintainers have the feeling they work.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-10-20 02:41:41 UTC
the package ros-indigo-driver-base for example is not released for kinetic, this package is necessary after the pepper tutorial for the works with pepper..
Asked by Henne on 2017-10-20 03:15:27 UTC
Well, the
package specifically will not be released for Kinetic, no, as that is the Indigo version. It would be at leastros-kinetic-driver-base
, but that pkg isn't available after Jade anymore.Are you sure the Pepper pkgs need
still?Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-10-20 03:42:27 UTC
i don't know whether pepper needs this pkg, but i followed the tutorials for pepper and there stands this package.. the next problem is the Ubuntu version 16.04, it seems a libboost problem, by 16.04 is the new version 1.58 but it seems they needs the 1.55 version
Asked by Henne on 2017-10-20 03:50:11 UTC
Well, the tutorials (you don't link us to which specific tutorials you are referring to) seem to all say that they are for ROS Indigo, not ROS Kinetic.
But again; you should probably ask this on Aldebaran's support forum / mailing list.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-10-20 04:03:04 UTC
i followed this tutorial: http://wiki.ros.org/pepper/Tutorials ok, thanks for the fast answer
Asked by Henne on 2017-10-20 04:05:06 UTC