link textHow to make the node c++ or python for path planning like this picture, help me., and how to make line follower in rviz without use sensor magnet and camera, just node navigation with map coordinate, like this
Asked by zucky on 2017-10-13 02:57:05 UTC
Can you please write a description of what you are trying to do? Asking people watch a 5 minute video to understand your problem isn't going to help you get your question your answered. Plus, videos disappear from YouTube so your question will not be helpful to others if/when it does.
Asked by jayess on 2017-10-13 11:26:36 UTC
thank you very much.. i am just want to make node line follower for my robot simulation, i am just use hokuyo ust 10lx laser in my robot, i send simple navigation goals in success, but i i want to make custom path planning in my navigation
Asked by zucky on 2017-10-16 01:19:44 UTC