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How to use ros for simulation with dozens of robots

Hi everyone.

I am using virtual machine for running ros. In my project, I need to use a large group(perhapse 30 UAVs) of flying robots for simulating foraging behaviour of birds. I use hector quadrotor as a model and I use ROS jade with gazebo 5. But I found some problems for spawning more than 15 UAVs. The ROS will be terminated automatically. It seems like I was trying to spawn to many robots so that the ros problem crashes.

Does anyone have good ideas for doing large-scale robot simulation by using ros?

Thank you very much.

Asked by on 2017-10-08 21:05:37 UTC


Do you mean that Gazebo crashes? This may be a problem with running Gazebo in a VM. Is there any way that you can avoid using a VM? Maybe dual booting?

Asked by jayess on 2017-10-09 02:23:06 UTC

Hi jayess. Thanks for your information. I can buy another linux desktop for this project. But I am wondering is that really possible to do simualtions with around 30 UAVs in ros-gazebo? So far, I can only spawn 5 UAV without crash. I am not sure whether there will be a difference with just desktop.

Asked by on 2017-10-09 13:48:09 UTC

As far as I know, the Physics on gzserver goes on a single thread, so it's normal to crash if you add lots of robots.

Asked by Ruben Alves on 2017-10-13 18:03:59 UTC

so it's normal to crash

Why is that normal? It could get slower perhaps, yes, but crash? That is never normal.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-10-14 02:44:26 UTC

Do you have any sort of log from the crashes? Also, why are you using Jade? It is old enough that it isn't supported, any more, and was targeted for an Ubuntu version that isn't supported any more. I would also note that the gazebo client could get very slow with that many simulated machines, especially on a VM.

Asked by billtheplatypus on 2019-12-16 16:37:35 UTC


[...] why are you using Jade? It is old enough that it isn't supported, any more [...]

This question is over two years old (EOL for Jade was May 2017, but still this is an old question)

Asked by jayess on 2019-12-16 16:42:50 UTC
