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Do you know an open platform for 6DOF robot arms?

I am working on a small robot 6DOF arm that I would want to control using ROS. I came across the PR2 robot , but it is a very complex robot for my personal project. I would like to know if there is a similar platform for 6DOF robot arms.

Thank you guys!!

Asked by masterile on 2017-09-28 05:11:29 UTC


Have you looked at MoveIt!?

Asked by jayess on 2017-09-28 10:13:02 UTC

@masterile: could you perhaps provide some more info on what it is that you want to do / achieve? The PR2 could do a lot of things (and still can), so referring to it without explaining which specific pieces of functionality you are interested in will lead to vague answers.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-09-28 11:07:01 UTC

I'm not sure your edit was supposed to make things more clear: can you give some examples of functionality you are looking for? Is it purely motion planning, (inverse) kinematics, data/state visualisation, collision avoidance, object recognition, grasping unknown objects, etc?

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-09-28 12:23:41 UTC
