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knowrob installation problem

I have installed rosjava successfully in ubuntu 14.04 with ROS indigo,I also finish installing Basic KnowRob installation in .But in the "KnowRob system including tutorials",in the last step "catkin_make",I miss some problem.I hope you can help me,thank you.

[ 97%] Built target rosgraphmsgsgeneratemessageslisp [ 97%] Built target rosgraphmsgsgeneratemessagespy [ 97%] Built target rosgraphmsgsgeneratemessagesjava [ 98%] Built target jsonprolog [ 98%] Built target objectpositions [100%] Built target testjsonprolog [100%] Gradling tasks for knowrobperceptiontutorial

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Asked by paocailc on 2017-09-14 03:13:41 UTC

