Moving a mobile base from waypoint to waypoint using aruco markers and possibly making use of a PID controller
The goal is to move a mobile base(which takes cmdvel) from (x1,y1,theta1) to (x2,y2,theta2). I am using arucomapping which give the x,y and angle. It should rotate to theta_2 and reach the desired waypoint (x2,y2). I am not sure if its possible to execute a pid controller to minimize overshoots and undershoots.
Is there an existing package to perform these things well or do i have to do it on my own?
Asked by eric_cartman on 2017-09-03 19:54:30 UTC
Have you seen the ROS Navigation Stack?
Asked by ufr3c_tjc on 2017-09-03 22:35:50 UTC
It seemed a bit complex and as i am using just the camera/aruco markers to provide feedback and nothing else. Do you know what specifically in navigation i should check out for solving my problem?
Thanks in advance.
Asked by eric_cartman on 2017-09-04 16:33:52 UTC
Going from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) is a lot more complex than it seems. You can't rely on PID type controllers as the final position depends on the speed integrated over time, not just the wheel displacement. See the navigation turtorials.
Asked by ufr3c_tjc on 2017-09-04 17:43:44 UTC
You'll essentially give the nav stack your aruco_mapping estimate of where you are as the
input message. It should handle path planning and produce a cmd_vel. It'll take a while to set up and get working, but there plenty of help and tutorials out there, and it will do exactly what you want.Asked by ufr3c_tjc on 2017-09-04 17:45:10 UTC
Thanks. I will look into that.
Asked by eric_cartman on 2017-09-04 17:51:27 UTC