cannot use logger
When I tried tutorial "talker", nothing was displayed on console.
I thoght rosout has trouble, so I checked it.
Trying "$ rosservice call /rosout/getloggers", I accept "ERROR: service [/rosout/getloggers] responded with an error: "
I cannot repaire with reinstalling ros.
Plase tell me some advice.
OS: UBUNTU 16.04 ROS: ROS kinetic
Asked by ushitaro on 2017-08-23 20:16:10 UTC
What happens when you
rostopic echo /rosout
? How did you install ROS? apt-get? Which package(s) did you install?Asked by Ed Venator on 2017-08-23 22:50:06 UTC
$ rostopic ecno /rosout ⇛ nothing heppens
I installed by " apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full .
I installed only the packege.
Asked by ushitaro on 2017-08-23 23:34:27 UTC
Did you follow all of the instructions listed on the install page?
Asked by jayess on 2017-08-25 15:16:37 UTC