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Failed to load nodelet [/camera/rgb_rectify_mono] of type [image_proc/rectify] even after refreshing the cache: Failed to load library

kinect1.0 for xbox360

Ubuntu16.04 LTS, ros-kinetic-desktop-full

I tried to excute openni.launch and get these errors:

How to sort the problem?

I saw other links too. but i am unable to catch the error

ERROR] [1500052587.267970469]: Failed to load nodelet [/camera/rgb_rectify_mono] of type [image_proc/rectify] even after refreshing the cache: Failed to load library /home/ap4isr/kinetic_workspc/devel/lib// Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library (Poco exception = cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[ERROR] [1500052587.268035002]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Failed to load library /home/ap4isr/kinetic_workspc/devel/lib// Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library (Poco exception = cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

Asked by fmnoori on 2017-07-14 12:43:36 UTC




[ERROR] [1500052587.267970469]: Failed to load nodelet [/camera/rgb_rectify_mono] of type [image_proc/rectify] even after refreshing the cache: Failed to load library /home/ap4isr/kinetic_workspc/devel/lib// Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library (Poco exception = cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

You might want to install opencv3. On kinetic, ros-kinetic-opencv should install opencv3.


I tried to excute openni.launch and get these errors:

In general it's hard for us to guess what's going on with only a fraction of the info. For example in your post we don't know what does openni.launch do (it could be the one from openni_launch pkg but it could be something else, like what you or someone customized). Besides if it's from openni_launch, which is just a pkg that contains launch files for sensor driver, it's a bit strange to me that we're seeing error messages that seem related to higher level packages such as image_proc and opencv.

It's a good practice to share ALL output of roslaunch, including the command and its args itself, so that we can at least get to know what Nodes, Parameters, Topics, Services are started.

Asked by 130s on 2017-07-14 14:52:00 UTC


First, thank you for your patience.

I just want to integrate Kinect sensor with ROS Kinetic. It is one from openni_launch pkg I used this command roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch

Asked by fmnoori on 2017-07-14 16:27:16 UTC

Please check this link. I uploaded my whole output.

Asked by fmnoori on 2017-07-14 19:12:33 UTC

I agree that installing opencv3 should fix your problem.

Asked by Ed Venator on 2017-07-14 19:27:24 UTC

I just installed it. also, verify with pkg-config --modversion opencv which shows 3.3.0 version has been installed. but still getting same error

Asked by fmnoori on 2017-07-14 20:03:31 UTC

That's strange. As of today released version of ros-kinetic-opencv3 is 3.2.0. You might be looking at something that is not installed via ROS ecosystem. For that I can't help on this forum.

Asked by 130s on 2017-07-15 02:02:39 UTC

ok, I am trying to sort the problem. Thanks all :)

Asked by fmnoori on 2017-07-17 03:22:29 UTC