Setting up Dynamic Reconfigure for several nodes?
I wanted to have a node that worked as a Dynamic Reconfigure server for my other nodes. What would be the best approach?
If I start a server in each node I end up with several instances of the same configuration set. The only thing I can figure out is having just one configuration server and have the other nodes periodically read those parameters through rosparam (i.e: NodeHandle.param
Is there any way to have all nodes read the new configuration parameters upon a parameter change rather than periodically?
Asked by OMC on 2017-07-11 04:45:36 UTC
This does not answer your first question, but you can use cached parameters to get only parameters that have changed.
Asked by Procópio on 2017-07-12 01:30:22 UTC
If I have understood how cached parameters work, when I use getParamCached(), I will get it from the master instead of the rosparam server which will be faster. So, what do you mean by getting only parameters that have changed? Won't I still need to run getParamCached() for each param? Thanks
Asked by OMC on 2017-07-12 04:43:24 UTC