Can Qt creator build python programs?
Hi everyone,
I'm using Qt creator IDE for prohramming with ROS. Although Qt creator only "supports" C++ for ROS it should be possible to build python programs by adding the necessary dependencies in the package.xml and the CMakeLists.txt. Right? However, when i build any package that was created using the IDE, python programs are not compiled
Any thoughts?
Thank you
Ubuntu 14 indigo
Asked by Cristiano Bentes on 2017-07-06 05:08:07 UTC
You can use as example this rqt application. It implements the GUI using python that you compile in your workspace. I modified this one and it works great for me.
Asked by SorinV on 2017-07-07 08:34:45 UTC
Not quite what I'm looking for. My question is about IDE's. See []
Asked by Cristiano Bentes on 2017-07-07 09:48:01 UTC
I have developed GUI to control A R Drone 2.0 using PyQT. You can check this link
Asked by pavankumarbn on 2017-10-24 21:48:03 UTC