ueye node not publishing image messages 2
I am trying to implement LSD SLAM using UI-1221LE-M-GL.
[ WARN] [1498582927.697497827]: Loaded uEye SDK 4.82.16. Expecting 4.60.5.
[ INFO] [1498582927.698806226]: Found 1 uEye camera.
[ INFO] [1498582927.949965618]: Opened camera UI122xLE-M 4102718110
[ WARN] [1498582928.158007664]: Failed to load intrinsics for camera from file
I obtain this error when I try rosrun ueye camera. And also I am not able to find anything in rostopic List /rosout /rosout_agge
Above are the nodes which appear. I am using Ros indigo and linux 14.04 LTS. The daemon is also running. Also I tried to find the IDS software suite version 4.60.5 but currently only the new version 4.82.2 is available.
Kindly suggest the steps required to resolve the error or any other sources which can provide the correct procedure.
Asked by varun1407 on 2017-06-27 12:17:32 UTC
What error message do you see?
Does the camera work outside of ROS with
?Have you tried all of the drivers? ueye and ueye_cam
Asked by kmhallen on 2017-06-27 12:43:02 UTC
Thanks for the response. I have edited the question with the error msg. yes the camera works outside ros in ueye_demo. I have tried both the drivers and the result is same.
Asked by varun1407 on 2017-06-28 04:12:43 UTC
Can you see images with image_view?
The intrinsics must be generated with something like camera_calibration.
Asked by kmhallen on 2017-06-28 09:14:01 UTC
When I use image_view i get a blank window. To calibrate the camera I need the camera live and running. I am not able to achieve that. And also rostopic list does not show the camera topics published. rostopic echo /camera/camerainfo WARNING: topic [/camera/camerainfo] does not appear to be publish
Asked by varun1407 on 2017-06-28 09:24:12 UTC
Maybe it's helpful to use the IDS tool first. This will help you to set the parameters and get the camera working. You get it here https://en.ids-imaging.com/download-ueye-lin64.html for the most OS.
Asked by matt_do on 2017-08-11 07:22:31 UTC