Openni2 drivers linux vs windows
Hello, so I am trying to use the windows calibration tool of Orbbec for my cameras (Astra and Astra S), which uses Openni2 as far as I understand. The output in windows looks like the following:
[Left Camera Intrinsic]
575.494 0 316.497
0 578.135 258.283
0 0 1
[Right Camera Intrinsic]
516.406 0 320.664
0 518.586 247.01
0 0 1
[Right to Left Camera Rotate Matrix]
0.999831 -0.00405498 0.0179308
0.00417956 0.999967 -0.00691574
-0.0179022 0.00698951 0.999815
[Right to Left Camera Translate]
5.36509 0.297889 1.28789
But in the drivers of Linux (using also Openni2) the values are like:
image_width: 640
image_height: 480
cameraname: "depthAstra_Orbbec"
rows: 3
cols: 3
data: [586.0295803105151, 0, 325.1107120728067, 0, 585.5541564977655, 242.3986130691661, 0, 0, 1]
distortionmodel: plumbbob
rows: 1
cols: 5
data: [-0.03292964909879049, 0.08060137821556344, -0.001139453780851402, 0.007361020257652488, 0]
rows: 3
cols: 3
data: [0.999831, -0.00405498, 0.0179308, 0.00417956, 0.999967, -0.00691574, -0.0179022, 0.00698951, 0.999815]
rows: 3
cols: 4
data: [586.5491943359375, 0, 328.8950540238802, 0, 0, 589.6646118164062, 241.3611304274491, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
How do I transform from the first parameter values in windows to the second ones in linux? Why is there this difference?
Asked by adr_arroyo on 2017-06-15 03:58:28 UTC