Custom Robot Navigation with Saved Map
Hi! I have a custom robot (using Raspberry Pi 3 and Orbbec Astra camera) and I managed to get a map using gmapping (depthimage-to-laserscan for /scan and laser-scan-matcher for the tf). Now I want to navigate the robot in this map. I read a lot about Navigation Stack, and I tried to follow the tutorials, but all of them are for available robots like Turtlebot, and I couldn't make it run on my board. Is there any other navigation solution available? Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.
Asked by hamed on 2017-05-18 07:21:23 UTC
This tutorial is for custom robots: And its not a bad thing to copy the configuration from working robots like the TB.
Asked by Humpelstilzchen on 2017-05-19 03:32:50 UTC